
Showing posts from October, 2020

Still Here

 Hi, I'm still here.  I haven't forgotten about you, blog, but I rarely have a spare moment to write for pleasure. I think you'll understand that I can't keep up with everything. I'm doing well. I wish I was reading more, but I'm assigned pages upon pages every week; it's not surprising that I've lost some of the motivation I enjoyed over the summer. I really am doing well—I love my friends, and I'm finally starting to understand how to cook. I feel myself growing up.  I think I want to study English. Living with two future engineers and a to-be doctor frames that decision as unwise, and it very well might be, but I figure I only have one chance to pursue something I love. Maybe I'll be a journalist or a teacher, or I'll write fiction and strike gold. Who knows?  So, I'm still here, and I'm happy. The road ahead is shrouded in fog, but perhaps it's okay to be walking blind. I'll continue writing on here every so often. I imagi